Sunday, June 15, 2008

Eli's Birthday Steak

Eli has never been one to pose for the camera. He usually makes sure that he is looking opposite the camera every time he sees me coming toward him with it. Jim keeps telling me, "You need to teach him to pose." But, as the ole saying goes, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks!" No matter how old Eli becomes (and we pray every day that he will live to be very, very old) he will always be my baby.

The pictures of Eli opening his presents do not do the task justice, it should have been a video. He LOVES opening presents.....even if the inside is empty.
This is the present he has been waiting for! His traditional birthday steak! (No, we do not let him have the whole steak at once. But, he doesn't know that!)

And, of course he had to have a Birthday cake too! (again, no we did not let him eat it, just lick it enough to get a taste!)

The sad part of it all, after he opened his presents, ate his steak and got to lick his cake.....he went back to the closet where he knew I had been keeping all of his birthday presents this week and lay in the floor in front of the door and whined?????? I guess we forgot to get something that was on his list or he thought that there should have been more! However, at the moment he is lying at my feet, stretched out and snoring away. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELI.

Thanks to Dan, Krisha and Beau for the cute personalized mat to go under Eli's bowls and to all of our friends on Myspace for leaving all the birthday wishes and comments. We love all of you so much!