Saturday, February 20, 2010


Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
Ecclesiastes 4:9

After over eight months of people's reactions to Aubrey and Lainey, you would think that we are accustomed to them, but we aren't! It is amazing at the reactions we get from strangers seeing them together.

I mean, we realize their individual beauty and personalities. However, when they are both is God's amazing creation times two! People are just drawn to their wonder.

Yesterday, Krisha, the girls and I went to Birmingham to the Galleria. At least two other people that were part of a set of twins approached us. Senior citizens to little children just had to stop and talk to them. Aubrey and Lainey are now at the age that they never let anyone down, they give them a show! From their huge smiles to their "growling" sounds, and waving goodbye.

We also made a stop by the mall in Tuscaloosa where we ran into a set of twins attending the University of Alabama that had to talk to the girls. They also happen to be in the same sorority that Krisha is a member of! (Yes, it made me have a flash into the future,when Aubrey and Lainey will be going through Pledge week somewhere. ((Yes, a majority of us hope that will be the University of Alabama, but ?????))However, I do not want to rush a moment of their lives.)
Speaking of Aubrey and Lainey's college days, if we had a $$ for every time we are approached and asked, "Are they twins?, "Oh, look twins!", and/or "Are they idenitical?" their college tuition would be paid for!!!
And, one question that drives Krisha crazy, "Are they boys?" (Now, for those of you that know Krisha and how she LIVES to dress these beautiful baby girls with bows and outfits, you know this is a crazy question!)

One reaction that people have about the girls is one that really bothers Krisha (and all of us) at times, "Twins, OMG", or "Twins, bless your heart!" (As if they were saying, you need all the prayers you can get!) Krisha has started to smile and reply, "Yes, we are TWICED BLESSED!"

We ate at Wayne and Anita's last night so that Chloe could play with the girls. Such a precious sight to see them all playing together. But, the thing that tugged my heart strings the most was when Lainey kept trying to crawl/scoot her way to me and crawl up into my lap! PRICELESS MOMA D moment!!! Or when she was with me and when Krisha tried to get her to come to her, Lainey laid her head down on my shoulder!!! (Sorry, Krisha, I just had to tell it!) I would have laid down my life for her at that moment!!!

I cherish all my time with the girls, because when Popa Jim is home.....I don't have a chance! They adore him!


Joy said...

Too Sweet. I have a niece that has twin girls ( now 5 ). She once talked of the thing that bothered her the most....when people would ask if she took fertility drugs! Like everything in don't know what bothers people until you walk a mile in their shoes. After having three kids I do admire someone who has twins.I do feel like "bless your heart" but "in a Very admiring way!

The Deavours Family said...

I am sooo glad you let everyone know of your "special" moment! Just remember that moment when they are destroying your house! :)Aubrey and Lainey both love their Moma D! and Popa Jim as well! We are sooo glad that y'all are back living in Alabama!!!