Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Celebrating Dan's birthday over the weekend

Riding the Choo-Choo train in the mall. We had planned to have pictures made with the Easter bunny, THEN ride the train.............but, the girls said NO to the picture. So, on to the train we went!!!
They would talk to the Easter Bunny, wave to the Easter Bunny, but would NOT sit in his lap for a picture.

We went to eat at the birthday boy's place of choice, Mugshots. They have great food and the atmosphere is loud and busy, just what two little girls enjoy!!!

Afterwards we came back to the house for cake and ice cream!!!

Krisha had an Auburn cake made for Dan, now that is REAL LOVE!!!!

Dan and all of his  beautiful girls!!!!

and of course, with his favorite FIL and MIL!!!!!

We love ya SIL!!!!


kimberly t. bowling said...

Aw, a Bo Jackson cake, that was super sweet of Krisha!