Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pool Time

Today was Dan's birthday. Krisha and the girls came to Northport to eat lunch with Dan at work, then we continued celebrating with dinner (per Dan's request, I made Chicken Spaghetti and Apple Dumplings w/Blue Bell ice cream). However, during the time between lunch with Dan and dinner.....we went to the pool in our subdivision. Aubrey and Lainey LOVED it. Krisha and I were not dressed for the activity (because we really didn't think the girls would like it) but, they loved the pool so much, that we continued the fun in Eli's old pool in the backyard!
Aubrey getting a feel for the water
Lainey getting adjusted to the water
Aubrey may be our water baby!
Eli can't figure out why Aubrey and Lainey are in HIS pool!?!?!

Aubrey seems to like this as much as the kiddie pool
Lainey just relaxing


kimberly t. bowling said...

Just a little FYI, I'm a great lifeguard. Especially in the kiddie pool. :)

They look TWO cute!

Jennifer Walker said...

They are the cutest!!! Emily hated the water when she was their age. maybe Joseph will like it this year.