Thursday, April 16, 2009

April Happenings..........

Happenings in April that I haven't blogged about (but should have!):

April 12th was Dan and Krisha's one year anniversary! We still thank God daily for sending us such a wonderful son-in-law.


April 12th was also Easter. We hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday with family and friends. Jim and I missed not getting to be with family, but had a nice three-day holiday together.

Below is a picture of Krisha and my Daddy on her first Easter! (If Aubrey and Lainey can wrap Jim around their little fingers just half as much as Daddy was Krisha's, they will never want for much!)

Our church sponors a wonderful program that is presented each Easter, "The Last Days of Christ," and this was our first year to attend and it was a true blessing! It takes you back in time as you enter through the city gates of Jerusalem. The area comes alive with more than 500 actors portraying some of the most dramatic scenes of the last days of Christ. There were Roman soldiers on horseback, as we walked down the city streets through the market place and viewed drama players reenacting the Last Supper, Christ before Pilate, Roman Centerions flogging Christ, Jesus carrying the Cross, the Crucifixion, and the Glorious Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. We saw Jesus ride in town on a donkey, a carpenter hueing the cross from a tree, Roman soldiers doing marching drills and practicing sword fighting in the streets, Jesus telling stories to children on a rock formation, a cave signifying the empty tomb, and a petting zoo for children. There were also scenes including a potter, chariot, brick making, water well, threshing floor, straw cart, olive oil press, and the judgment throne of God.


April 13th was Dan's birthday. After the storms came through Bankston and left everyone without power for days, he is finally getting to enjoy one of his presents now, his Wii. He keeps saying that he can't wait for Jim to come back to Alabama so that they can play golf, bowling, and other "competitive" games on it! (I wonder if it has a game to see how fast you can change a diaper or get a bottle ready for a midnight feeding?)

I have been getting things ready for Alabama. I think that I have all of my stuff organized enough so that when Krisha calls saying "It's time for you to come on!" that I will be able to throw everything in the car and go!

Please continue to keep Aubrey, Lainey and Krisha in your prayers.


The Deavours Family said...

Fil an Mil yall are to kind with the nice words about Sil. Just want yall to know how lucky I am to have such wonderful in-laws. Love yall both.