Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The new place that God has sent us to.........

If you are following my "Things I am Thankful for each day in November" you will notice one of them is for the new place that God has sent us to. It is something that we have been praying for, for a very long time........and I know without question that God is the person that lead us to this place.

I know that God is behind this, because we have had to wait a long time for it to happen. Just as in Ecclesiates 3:1 we had to wait until the season was right, and we had to trust him (Psalm 62:8) for it. Also, as Matthew 7:7 says Ask and it will be given you.

God has sent us to our new home...............in Alabama!
I have debated about posting this information since the final "closing" hasn't taken place. However I stand on Matthew 9:29, "According to your faith will it be done to you."
We have waited until our season, we have trusted him for it, we asked him for it and it has been given, and our faith will take us through the closing.